Monday, 7 October 2013

Putting Leather Into Storage

While most of the furniture items that you place into a storage unit will be fine without too much preparation, leather items need a little more care and attention. Leather jackets and boots, and sofas and chairs, can cost a lot of money to buy so it pays to ensure you take the best possible care of them if you don’t want them ruined or being damaged. Made to last a lifetime, leather is worth the extra care and attention needed to preserve its beauty, and the older and more worn it is the better it looks.

  • Start by cleaning your leather items with a non-abrasive cleaner.
  • Use a good leather moisturiser so that your leather item can avoid becoming cracked or dry during storage, especially if you have not done this in a while.
  • Wrap your items up even if they are small, because if they have too much exposure they can become dry or dirty.
  • Make sure your leather items can still 'breathe' - avoid any airtight containers or wrapping them too tightly.
  • Hang clothes and jackets as this will stop crease lines from folding, and use strong plastic or wooden hangars, then cover with a cloth garment bag
  • Leather boots or shoes are fine in cardboard boxes or cloth bags as they are still protected but have air to breathe too.

It is best to get your large leather furniture cleaned by a professional before storage as this will ensure it is in tip top condition when it goes into the unit, and should remain this way until it comes out again. It should also be completely dry as any moisture could lead to damp.

When you place leather furniture or small leather items in storage first lay out a large sheet of plastic on the floor as this prevents moisture from forming which leads to mould and can be very harmful for all your possessions. Then make sure the items are not sitting directly on the ground to prevent damp or mildew; wooden pallets are fine for this purpose and easy to get hold of.

While nearly all storage units are dark (and suitable for leather), make sure there is no direct sunlight or too much heat on your leather items. Differences in temperature can cause cracks in leather so you need to store your things in a unit that is kept indoors where the temperature is controlled within the facility. Then drape or cover your leather sofa or chair with fabric to stop dust from settling. Don’t then put all your heavy boxes on top of the sofa or chair as this will press down on the fabric and cause indentations which will ultimately mark it.

If you have any doubts about how to store items properly you can always ask the storage facility as they have experience in everything to do with storing household items, furniture, books, clothes and more. They should give you good advice on how to prevent mould and damp and tips on how to pack your possessions properly.

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